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Zakia McKinney
Zakia is a Presidential award winner, a “Momma” to many, an educator, mentor and apostle. God has given her keys from scripture and the throne room that unlock destiny and increase faith. She functions heavily in birthing people into their calling and destiny. She is known as one who inspires women to know they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. Thousands of women’s lives have turned around using her word-based empowerment principles and experiencing her life-changing books, messages, teachings, and groups.
Ms. McKinney holds: A master’s degree in Education, Minister’s Licensure from the Christian International Apostolic Network, Minister’s Licensure from The Ambassador for Christ Global Celebration of Churches, a Doctor of Divinity from CICA International University and Seminary, and is a member of the Canadian International Chaplaincy Association.
Her books include: A Time to Rise, available on Amazon.com, and the Living Free, Living Me Tools Kit, available by request via Junia Company offices.