Dr Zakia smiling confidently

Love Yourself: Embracing Christ’s Love as Your Foundation

September 02, 20242 min read

The world often tells us to love ourselves, but it’s easy to get caught up in a self-love that’s based on external achievements or appearances. True self-love, however, starts from a much deeper place—one rooted in the love that Christ has for us. Before we can truly love ourselves, we must first understand and accept the profound love that Jesus has already shown us. This blog explores how Christ’s love serves as the foundation for genuine self-love.

How can you truly love yourself? The answer lies in recognizing and embracing the love Christ has for you.

1. Christ’s Unconditional Love

Christ’s love is unconditional—it doesn’t depend on our actions, our successes, or our failures. Romans 5:8 tells us, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This means that Christ loved you at your worst, and His love remains steadfast no matter what. When you truly grasp this, you begin to see yourself through the eyes of that unconditional love, rather than through the lens of the world’s standards.

2. The Foundation of Self-Love

Loving yourself isn’t about vanity or self-indulgence; it’s about acknowledging the value that Christ has placed on you. Jesus sacrificed His life because you are precious to Him. Understanding this makes it possible to love yourself in a healthy, Christ-centered way. You’re not loving yourself out of pride, but out of reverence for the love Christ has given you.

3. Living in Christ’s Love

When you accept Christ’s love, it transforms how you see yourself and others. Ephesians 2:4-5 reminds us, "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved." This love is life-changing, offering you a new identity in Christ. Loving yourself means living in this new identity, knowing that you are beloved by God.

Remember: When you find it difficult to love yourself, take time to meditate on scriptures that speak of Christ’s love. Remind yourself daily that your worth is not defined by the world, but by the immeasurable love that Christ has for you.

True self-love is rooted in the love that Christ has for you. By embracing His love, you honor Him and allow that love to shape how you care for yourself. Remember, loving yourself is not an act of selfishness—it’s a reflection of Christ’s love working in and through you.

Reflect on how Christ’s love has shaped your life. How can you honor that love by treating yourself with kindness and respect? Take a step today to embrace self-love that is rooted in the love of Christ.

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Dr Zakia McKinney

Faith-based empowerment coach, author, and speaker dedicated to helping women embrace their divine destiny.

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