Dr Zakia smiling confidently

Set Up for Success by God

July 08, 20243 min read

Set Up for Success by God: 7 Principles to Move Forward

In the Passion Translation, Ephesians 1:11 says, “…Before we were even born, He gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart.” This powerful scripture reminds us that our destiny to fulfill God’s purposes on earth has already been set up for us. God chose us and sets us up for success.

Dr. Zakia McKinney shares insights on embracing your divine destiny and overcoming obstacles with faith. The blog explores Ephesians 1:11, emphasizing the importance of trusting God's plan, seeking His counsel, and moving forward despite challenges. Discover principles and keys to success through faith-driven strategies

The real challenge is believing this truth and continuing to move forward despite the obstacles. Recently, a dear friend of mine found herself in the hospital just days before a book signing. She was told she needed to stay there, but she saw this as an obstacle. With prayer, faith, and a wise strategy, she worked with her doctor to find an alternative approach and made it to her book signing. This story illustrates the power of faith and strategic action in overcoming obstacles.

The 7 Principles to Move Forward in Destiny:

  1. Seek God First: The journey of a thousand miles begins with seeking the God who has ordered your steps. Make time for prayer and reflection daily to seek His guidance.

  2. Use God’s Counsel: God places people and resources in your life for a reason. Listen to wise counsel and be open to advice that aligns with God's Word.

  3. Walk by Faith: Faith is the foundation of our journey. Trust in God’s plan even when the path is unclear.

  4. Embrace Challenges: View obstacles as opportunities for growth. With each challenge, you develop resilience and deepen your faith.

  5. Stay Persistent: Persistence is key. Keep moving forward, even when progress seems slow.

  6. Maintain a Positive Attitude: A positive attitude fuels your faith and keeps you motivated. Believe in the positive outcomes God has in store for you.

  7. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. This builds momentum and keeps you encouraged.

The 7 Keys to Success:

  1. Faith: Unwavering trust in God’s plan.

  2. Prayer: Constant communication with God.

  3. Wisdom: Applying knowledge with discernment.

  4. Courage: Facing fears and taking bold steps.

  5. Patience: Trusting God’s timing.

  6. Gratitude: Appreciating God's blessings.

  7. Action: Taking steps toward your goals.

The 7 D’s to Overcome:

  1. Doubt: Trust in God’s promises.

  2. Discouragement: Stay motivated with scripture and prayer.

  3. Distractions: Keep focused on your divine path.

  4. Discontent: Find contentment in God’s plan.

  5. Disbelief: Strengthen your faith through God’s Word.

  6. Disobedience: Follow God’s instructions faithfully.

  7. Despair: Hope in God’s unfailing love.

Tips for Applying These Principles:

  • Daily Prayer: Start your day with prayer, asking God to guide your steps.

  • Reflect: Take time each week to reflect on your progress and adjust your plans as needed.

  • Seek Support: Join a faith-based community for support and encouragement.

  • Set Goals: Set small, achievable goals that align with your divine purpose.

Embrace the divine setup for your success. Trust in God's plan, seek His counsel, and move forward with unwavering faith. Your journey is ordained, and with God’s guidance, you can overcome any obstacle.

Reflect on your current challenges. Seek God’s guidance and take a bold step forward in faith today. Trust that He has set you up for success.

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Prayer and StrategySuccess PrinciplesMoving Forward in FaithGod's PlanFaith-Based Empowerment

Dr Zakia McKinney

Faith-based empowerment coach, author, and speaker dedicated to helping women embrace their divine destiny.

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